
沈陽達明商業貿易有限責任單位Shanghai Daming Trade Company Limited

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個性化推薦貨品What we recommend ...

BA 優質天然磷脂(zhi)加脂(zhi)劑
94S 優質合成輕革(ge)加脂劑
PF 更優質脂肪堆積醛,舒展柔韌皮革制品
P 創新型當然各種動物球核苷酸,有著補充營養膠原球核蛋白的效果
MAP 優(you)質小分子(zi)亞克力 環(huan)氧(yang)樹脂,具有良好的填充功能
FP 優質藍濕革油回濕劑,具有(you)幫助陳板皮回軟(ruan)的功能
AM-90 優質天然亞硫(liu)酸化(hua)魚油加(jia)脂劑
S-80 優質脫脂(zhi)劑,具有脫脂(zhi)、回濕(shi)的功能(neng)
SP 優質耐(nai)電解質加脂劑,具有(you)提(ti)高皮革(ge)耐(nai)撕裂(lie)強度的功能
DR-A 優越陽鋁離子固色劑

Zschimmer & Schwarz Group

意大利司馬是一個中型私營化學品公司, 1894年創立于Chemnitz, 總部現位于Lahnstein, 是一個為多種行業提供特殊性分散劑的國際供應商.





Zschimmer & Schwarz Group

Zschimmer & Schwarz is a family owend, medium sized chemical company with head quarter in Lahnstein, near Koblenz / Germany. Founded 1894 in Chemnitz / Germany, it is an international supplier of specialties and auxiliaries for different industries.

22 companies and participations in 15 countries and a large number of dealers and agents make up the worldwide, specialized sales and service network.

Our activities range from research to manufacturing of a broad variety of tailor made chemical auxiliaries and specialties for the Ceramic, Fibre, Leather and Fur, Textile, Cosmetic and Cleaning industry and Phosphonates supported by a powerful world wide commercial and technical customer service.

Owning to the ingenuity of scientists, chemistry is taking a major share in the cultural achievements of modern times. Chemicals have become an integral part of our lives. They are beneficial in so many respects without our being aware of their presence. Who would think that the clothing we wear, the shampoo we use for our hair, the tiles on which we step, or the shoes on our feet are all made possible by high grade chemical auxiliaries? Making these products available - and developing even better ones - is the core of our business.

Our main product lines are auxiliaries for the manufacture of man-made fibres, ceramics and for the treatment of leather and fur; we are also major producers of surfactants and traders in specialist chemicals.